
Hospice Care

Hospice Care

Holmes Lake Rehabilitation and Care Center provides individualized compassionate care for residents facing a life-limiting illness or injury. We are associated with several hospice providers, leaving the choice of the provider up to the resident and his/her family. An emphasis is placed on the resident’s right to make end-of-life decisions. A team approach is used to provide symptom management, pain control, psychosocial and spiritual support. Compassionate care is provided in an atmosphere of support and human dignity, enhancing the quality of life.

Learn More About Holmes Lake Rehabilitation & Care Center

Contact Us

6101 Normal Boulevard
Lincoln, NE 68506
402.489.7175 | Fax 402.489.5684

The safety of health of Seniors, their families, staff, and Nebraskans are Holmes Lake Rehabilitation & Care Center’s priorities. We are taking extra precautions, closely monitoring the evolving coronavirus situation and following the guidance of national, state and local health agencies. Updates will be posted.